The Game of Dominoes
The domino game is a strategy game that requires strategy and tactics. The basic rule is to place a domino tile such that the end of the chain touches the tile. You may place the tile with the same number at the beginning and end of the chain. Doubles are always placed cross-ways across the end of a chain, but they can be played in any direction. Doubles can also be played horizontally, so that they touch at the middle. Various shapes develop as you play, but they are not predetermined. Some chains develop into a snake line or a diamond shape. Moreover, the playing surface may be affected by the player’s preference.
The earliest written reference to dominoes was in China, in the Song dynasty. However, the European tile set is not directly related to the Chinese game. Italian missionaries in China may have introduced the game to Europe. In Europe, dominoes have been played since the 18th century. Although Chinese dominoes are thought to have originated from China, the fact that one domino was discovered in the wreckage of the Mary Rose suggests that they arrived in Europe much later than the 16th century.
In 1815, dominoes made their way from Italy to France. In the late eighteenth century, the game became a fad. France began producing domino puzzles with two basic types. The first kind required placing the tiles in such a way that their ends matched. The second type relied on the arithmetic properties of the pips. It is easy to get engrossed in the game and play for hours.
The word domino is an ambiguous word, though it is most likely derived from the Latin word dominus. In fact, the word domino was originally a monastic term for a long, hooded cape worn by Christian priests during the winter. While the domino is most popular in Europe, it is also widely played among Native Americans in Mexico, the Inuits also play the game with bones, which is similar to the European Dominoes. It is likely that this game originated in France as an imitation of the European version.
There are many different rules and variations of the game. The game itself can be very simple or extremely complex. The winning team usually picks the first domino in the hand. The winning team then has the opportunity to play any domino they wish in the hand. If all players have blocked, the player with the lowest hand wins the game. If all players have blocked, the winning team is the one with the lowest individual hand. The game continues clockwise.
Unlike the standard game, skillful domino games involve skill. The aim is to accumulate the set number of points, usually 61. Players take turns drawing seven dominoes. They play these dominoes into tricks. Each trick counts as one point, and any domino that matches five dots or more counts as a “five count” for the hand. The player who gets to the target score wins the game. There are several variations of the game.