Generally speaking, the game of Dominoes is played with rectangular tiles, which are placed face-down on a flat surface. Each tile has a number and a line down the center. Depending on the type of game played, players can place the tiles in any direction to create patterns or change the line direction.
The size of the tiles is usually about one inch wide and three eighths of an inch thick. These are typically made of either dark hardwood or ivory. The tiles are normally blank on one side. However, some are blank on both sides. The number on each side of the tile indicates the number of pips on that side of the tile.
Before the game starts, players must agree on a target score. If a team reaches the target score, they win. If two or more teams reach the target score, the game ends. When a player reaches the target score, they score 5 points for every tile left in the opposing players’ hand. If a player does not reach the target score, they score the same number of points as the opposing player does.
When a player begins a hand, they must play the first bone of the hand. This is sometimes called setting the first bone. Typically, the first tile played is a double-six. The next tile is a 6-5, and the third is a 5-5. In the case of a double-six, the player may play the double-six, or a double-five. The third tile is then played vertically. This produces open ends of a 5 and a 4. The next player must play a double-five or a double-six to these open ends. If the double-five or double-six is played to the open end, the other player must play a double-six to the same end.
The player with the highest double leads the other player with a double-six. The player with the next highest double leads with a double-four. This is a typical domino game. A player may also play a double-blank. A double-blank is counted as either 0 or 14. If the double-blank is played to the open end of a double-six, the other player must play a double-five or double-six to the same end.
If the player is able to play the double-six, he is considered to have “stitched up” the end of the domino. If he is unable to play the double-six, a sleeping domino must be selected. If the sleeping domino is played, the player will have to pick another domino to play.
The player can play any of the other players’ tiles that are left in their hand. The player may also add a tile to any line, in which case the score is determined by the number of pips on the tile. A player can also play a tile with no number, a blank tile, or a sleeping domino. The player can also play a tile that has no number or a sleeping domino to the open end of a double-six.