Dominoes are a family of tile-based games. The gaming pieces are made of rectangular tiles with square ends and a number of spots on each side. Players take turns placing tiles and attempting to win by matching as many tiles as possible. If they score a win, they move on to the next level.
There are several different varieties of dominoes, each representing a roll of two dice. Each tile is a different color and features a different number on one end. The most common sets feature numbers ranging from 0 to six. The tiles are typically 2 inches long, one inch wide, and about three-eighths of an inch thick.
The domino game first appeared in Italy in the early eighteenth century and spread to France and southern Germany in the mid-18th century. In France, the domino game became a popular pastime and spread throughout the country. In 1771, the word domino was first recorded in a French dictionary. However, the word domino has a different meaning in other languages. The French word domino originally referred to crude woodcuts on paper that were popular among peasants in France.
In the game of domino, the tiles are placed in certain patterns. They must be placed in such a way that the two matching ends are adjacent. However, there are several ways to place them. Doubles are usually placed cross-ways, so that additional tiles can only be placed against their long side. However, some games consider all four sides of doubles to be open.
Play begins with the first player laying a tile face up in the center of the table. The next player must match one end of the domino to the part of the first tile. Doubles are also allowed, and a double is made when two tiles have pips on both ends. If two players cannot match the first tile, they must draw tiles from their unused pile.
Playing skillful dominoes requires two or four players. The object is to reach a specified number of points, usually 61. Players take turns playing the dominoes. After each round, the player who has the highest score wins the game. Some variations have a set time limit per turn. If a player goes beyond the limit, he or she is penalized.
There are many different variations of domino games. Some are trick-taking or solitaire. Others are variations of card games. In some regions, domino games were introduced to circumvent religious prohibitions against playing cards. Some games are played on a computer. These games are easy to learn and play. They are also fun to play with friends and family.
The earliest written record of the game of Dominoes dates back to the 12th century. Chinese writers during the Yuan Dynasty referred to the game as pupai. Dominoes made their way to Europe in the early eighteenth century, perhaps with Italian missionaries.