The Rules of Dominoes
In the game of domino, each player plays a tile onto the playing surface and must position it so that it touches one of the ends of the chain. The player must make sure the tower stays upright and doesn’t collapse, or it will be called a “stitched up” domino. If the tower falls, the players gigglingly applaud, clapping, and cheering. Here are some rules for dominoes:
The word domino has an uncertain origin. However, it appears as a game in France soon after 1750. It originally meant “long cloak, mask, or cape worn by priests”. It’s believed that the word derived from the fact that domino pieces once had ivory or ebony faces. This could be why the game gained widespread popularity. The game eventually made its way to Europe, where it was adapted into many popular games.
The simplest domino variant is the block game, which can be played with two players. Each player draws seven tiles from the double-six set, and alternately extends their lines of play. When the players have completed their line of play, the winner scores the same amount as the remaining pip count in the loser’s hand. If the player’s last tile reaches zero, they are out. It’s a win-win situation for the winner.
Another variation of the game is called “skillful” domino. This variation of the game is played in pairs or fours, with the aim of reaching a certain number of points, often 61. Players play dominoes by playing adjacent pairs, matching the open ends. If the player matches two pairs of dominoes, the total of points on each side will be tallied. The winner is determined by the player who matches all his or her pairs.
Different countries use different sets of dominos, with each set containing a unique piece for every possible combination of two ends containing a number of zero to six spots. Hence, traditional sets contain six unique pieces, with the highest value piece having six spots on both ends. In addition, Chinese sets introduce duplicates of certain throws, resulting in seven distinct pieces. However, double 18 sets have a total of 190 dominos.
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One of the most popular games of dominoes is 42. This game is similar to spades in that it involves four players paired into teams. Each player draws seven dominoes, which are then played into tricks. Each trick scores a point. Any domino with multiples of five dots counts toward the total score. For example, if a player has 35 points of five dots, plus seven tricks, his total is 42.